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SAWM Weed Cutting and Removal Program Enhancements


SAWM operated two separate weed harvesters and two separate weed barges for mechanically harvesting and removing nuisance weeds from our area waterways for several years.  The ability to do this harvesting has been granted through permits obtained from WDNR.  The last permit was issued May 17, 2021 and is valid through December 31, 2025.


One harvester and one barge unit were used for weed harvesting in the lake.  The others were used for harvesting in the channel and the upper Wolf River.  The two separate harvesting tandems were necessary due to the height limitations of the Cty Hwy HHH bridge.  The units were unable to navigate under this bridge.


SAWM assisted in successfully lobbying WDOT in 2019 and 2020 to raise the bridge height when it was slated for reconstruction so that the units can now safely navigate beneath the bridge.


Several thousand dollars (along with matching grant funds from WDNR) were invested in these units over the years to keep them functional.  Unfortunately, the units continued to fall into disrepair.  This impacted SAWMs ability to harvest weeds in a timely manner, resulting in member dissatisfaction and refunds being issued for members who paid for harvesting and did not have their nuisance weeds removed.  In addition, parts were shared between the units ultimately rendering some remaining units inoperable.  The harvester and the barge that were used for the channel and the Upper Wolf are the only remaining operable units.


These circumstances necessitated the purchase of a new harvester and barge unit.  The units were purchased from Aquarius Systems and delivered to SAWM on June 25, 2024.  The units were purchased under a 50/50 grant provided by WDNR.  SAWM paid 50% of the cost and WDNR paid 50%.  The total cost of the units purchased was $500,000.  In addition, a different truck for hauling this equipment was procured.


The operational plan is now to utilize the new equipment for all permitted harvesting and removal operations throughout the waterways.  The remaining operable units from the previous equipment inventory are being utilized solely as backup units if required. 


Harvest scheduling and completion is now on track with information being shared in our weekly newsletters and on our website.  Future operational and system improvements are being developed and implemented, as well as preparation of a new harvesting permit application to be submitted to WDNR.


Please contact SAWM if you have any questions regarding this information.

Weed Cutting Videos

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